Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In October Payton received one of the awards for the character of the month. We are so proud of her, she is a very dedicated student and a great friend.

Our neighbor had an "Alice in Wonderland" themed birthday party and my girls went as the singing flowers. Fallyn really wanted to be the bread that was a butterfly but it was a month after Drake was born so I needed to keep it simple. I appreciate that my girls are happy with whatever. I'm very lucky!

Just because!

Swim lessons:
S'mores with the cousins:
Mayce finished her first year of preschool. She loved every minute of it!
Softball banquet

1 comment:

The Jensens said...

Yea, more pictures of those cute kids! Glad you ended with a picture of Fallyn and her glasses, it made me laugh! I love her! I cannot wait to see you all next week, be prepared for more fun.